KEKL Alumni Day 2019 is a first of annual event held by Badan Pengurus Pusat Keluarga Eks Kolese Loyola (Loyola College Alumni Board - Central Body) to celebrate the togetherness and the longing for homecoming after being dispersed all over the world for a long time.
Notably, this event set a new LEPRID record for the largest number of blood donors among school alumni worldwide on a single day. Additionally, the event features family fun-cycling, eucharist, a bazaar, and a sharing forum with distinguished alumni.
During my involvement in the event, I played a key role in several aspects of the planning and execution, including developing the event website, designing promotional materials, creating content calendars and social media posts, and designing merchandise materials. I also supported the live streaming production of the event.
Thank you!
KEKL Alumni Day 2019

KEKL Alumni Day 2019


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